
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Shepherds and sheep

Upon reading Ezekiel 34...

It's true, Lord, there are many shepherds who feed off your flock, but who do not care for your sheep. Some are simply ignorant -- untrained in nurturing. Others are living in delusion, serving their own egos and salving their insecurities. There are some who pretend to be shepherds for financial gain or an easy job. And so your sheep are scattered. Thousands leave the church every year. Our culture is alienated from you because the sheep have been chased away, fearing those who should be caring for them. And can you blame them: clergy sex scandals, religious celebrity embezzlement, harsh and judgmental attitudes, glory stealing, dishonesty, inauthenticity, greed, materialism, the list could go on. They are left to be picked off by the wild animals of the secular leaders and advisors who -- though they encourage criticism of the church -- are no better care takers of people. The people are consumed by corporate chiefs, marketing specialists, trend setters, politicians -- any who can get anything out of them and leave them dry and hungry.

Lead your sheep to green pasture again, Lord. But never let there be any shepherd but you. Send David, our Lord and Brother, to shepherd your flock, leading us into places of rich and deep living, healing, wholeness, and peace. Unless the people see you, Jesus, for who you really are -- apart from all the false shepherds who mimic you -- they will perish and be oppressed by all those who wish to feed off them. Teach me how to connect people to you, the shepherd rather than to me. That is the only way that I can resist the temptation to exploit them.

I long for a broad green land with rushing streams and towering forest. Where every blade of grass, every cell of water, and every drop of sun speaks of blessing and hope. There the King walks among us and we are who we are, truly.


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