
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rescue us

When we have lived in abundance, when the harvest of all things is plentiful, when prosperity has grown up and filled us -- we have found a voice to praise you, Father. Teach us, Lord, to have this same voice to praise you now in the time of thinness and scarcity. May we learn thank you even when their is no more savings, when our homes are taken from us, when we suffer from violence, when we charges are brought against us in court, and when we loose our jobs.

Jesus, if any of this happened because we suffered for your name, or followed your cause, there would be some purpose to our suffering. We could take comfort in our high calling. But this is happening because life happens or because of our weakness. But even so, we believe you are sovereign and you are loving. There is no chance, so when life happens we believe you are still in control. And we know that you are loving, and it is not your mission to leave us to the consequences of our own dysfunction. We do not shrink from any redemption that this pain may work in our lives, but we ask that in it, you draw our hearts to you. If we fall, Father, we fall into you hands. But rescue us before the end.


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