
Friday, July 28, 2006

Turn Around and Follow

Upon reading Isaiah 30...
"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength,
but you would have none of it."
[Isaiah 30:15 NIV]
You stand waiting for me like a father [Luke 15:11-32]. You are my Father. But I am bound by my addictions, tied to this master I sold myself to. So a I wait for you. My pain is over. You respond instantly to my cries. Though you have allowed pain and misery, I know it is just my teacher. You are my Teacher. I will see you with my own eyes, face-to-face. I hear your voice behind me saying, "turn around and follow this path to life."
Suddenly, all my idols are worthless. This paper and plastic kingdom starts to look like trash. I'm ready to toss it away. I don't even want to look at it anymore. I would rather live true and pure from your hand. I want the rhythms of life with you: planting and harvest, hard work and true celebration. Brighten my world. Remove this mundance and grey light -- this overcast canopy between my soul and spirit. Shine seven times brighter and more full and clear than the July sun. Heal me from these wounds you've given me. This affliction that has saved my soul. [Isaiah 30:18-26]


Blogger miller said...

oh Ben...

where are you???

i thought this was the daily draught



1:18 AM  
Blogger soulster said...

Sorry Miller, was spending a few days in the mountains with a Friend. Good to be back.

Joel, your enthusiasm overwhelms me. *tear* Great to see ya!

10:08 AM  

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