
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Branch of Hope

Upon reading Isaiah 4...

Father, let your Branch grow. Our grey poverty -- so unremarkable as to be painful -- needs to see you, Jesus, blossom into beauty and glory. We die for lack of imagination. Our world decays, not from lack of technology, money, or hard work, but for lack of inspiration. Bordem is more dangerous than disease. Lack of color kills more souls than starvation.

Fill the land with your fruit so we can have pride again in something, anything. Cleanse us, Lord. Cleanse us with judgment and fire, but I fear to pray this. If you burn the impurity from us, from our lives, will there be anything left? But nothing and truth, nothing and authenticity, is better than everything and the filth of lies and idolarous compromise. At least if we are stripped clean by judgment and tested by fire we can take pride in honesty.

We need your covering. Not the covering of those who claim to protect us, but really extort us spiritually. Not the covering of our hand's craft and skill. No, we need you to be a cloud and pillar of fire. Shelter us from the angry sun and storm and rain. You are our refuge and hiding place.


Blogger miller said...

"an inspiration passes, having been inspired never passes. it remains like an island across the restlessness of time, to which we move over the wake of undying wonder. an eagerness is left behind, a craving and a feeling of shame at our ever being tainted with oblivion…"
Abraham Joshua Heschel

your poetry reminded me of this quote.

thanks bro for the "strength for the day"

you spur me on!

7:53 AM  
Blogger soulster said...

Great quote! We spure each other on. I've been reading your blog on rurevolutionary.com, and it is both refreshingly confessional and inspiringly original. Thanks for blessing the blogshpere. To anyone interested, take a look at miller's blog: http://towardsimplicity.net!

2:03 AM  

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